Saturday, 26 February 2011

MDT 2010 Drivers integration as per Make & Model option


We can integrate drivers in MDT task sequence so that it can validate the Make and Model and install those drivers only.

For this, we need to create folder structure as per Make and Model names based in out-of-box drivers on deployment workbench. then on the task sequence, set variable to install make and model based drivers.

Sugunakara Rao

SCCM R2 SP2 OSD on Microsoft Virtual PC


SCCM OSD will not work if you are planning to deploy on virtual PC as DHCP, DNS & SCCM is istalled on another VPC.

RCA:  MS Virtual PC have an in-built DHCP which will assign IP to client before another virtual PC assigning it. So OSD will not work in this case.

1) You can disable In-Built DHCP and try to run if possible.
2) Create a Task Sequence Media and mount the ISO to that client.

Sugunakara Rao
Hi All,

This is my first blog posting and please encourage me to keep posting more details.

Sugunakara Rao